Friday, December 12, 2014

Geeta's Intensive Day 9-"Silence is the Language of the Soul"

We all knew today would be backbend day. There are mixed emotions with backbends: excitement, fear. Geeta said Guruji never talked of moods, his moods did not effect his Yoga. I do believe in our relationships with Yoga and our moods can help or hinder us. It may take a lifetime or many lifetimes to get to the point where I moods are not part of our practice and we do have glimpses of that quietness which keeps us coming back to our mats. May we learn to be fresh with each pose!

We started out with an energizing pranayama practice to prepare for backbends. We learned in Savasana Pranayama, to put a rolled bandage under the dorsal (sternum) to lift the chest more. This is especially good for people with depression.

During asana we focused on spreading the collarbones, lifting the armpit chest, not compressing the cervical by clenching the shoulders at the sides of the neck. Notice what the dorsal is doing, then what is the lumbar doing? Keep the areas integrated!

After our classes with Geeta, we watched a concert and tears of heartbreak and joy came to my eyes. The singer reminded me of my dearest Aunt Kathy who died when I was 8 years old. I adored my Aunt Kathy, my family always said I was just like her. After she died, she used to visit me in various angel-like ways. I haven't been in spiritual contact with her for a few years. Then there she was when I was least expecting it! It was absolutely beautiful. My Aunt Kathy presented herself in human form for me to know she was happy, tears of unbelief rolled from my eyes. This singer had an amazing voice and tears welled up in her eyes as she sang. It was as if my Aunt was telling me her stories. When I had to leave, my heart was very heavy. I wanted to sit there forever and watch the beauty and feel what being with my Aunt was like. Yet, this is not how the story ends, we all have to depart at some point. Are we really departing?? That is the lesson of Yoga.

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