Friday, December 5, 2014

Geeta's Intensive Day 2-Brilliant Rib Work!

We have to align the body to the soul, this is yoga. Geeta once again made my heart sing as I listened to the invocation. Her voice is just beautiful.

In terms of limitations of the poses, people talk about being stiff. Geeta is teaching us that we need to open the Nadi's which are spaces within the body. This gives us a different perspective, I will explore this more.

Geeta is the master at Sequencing. We are getting our dorsal spines in and had our arms overhead for a long, long time. One of my favorite actions of today was:

Adho Mukha Svanasana-lenghten side body, then roll the sides of the ribs/outsides of the shoulderblades back, then the dorsal goes in more naturally!!! Brilliant!!!! 

The action of rolling the ribs from front to back has completely blown my mind. When I was a beginner, I had to always try to roll my shoulder back. After time, my shoulders were able to go back, but my lower ribs started to protrude forward, so I have been working on that. Here at Geeta's, I learned to open the ribs from front to back to stretch the intercostal muscles between the ribs; this will change my practice. Now there is awareness in the rib area which will effect the dorsal. 

What are our habits? Our Prakrti (Nature) controls these habits. Fix the posture from the source: sitting, standing walking. We forget this, go slow and start from the Foundation.

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