Friday, December 5, 2014

Geeta's Intensive Day 1-Standing Poses and Arm Vitality

To remember Guruji is the highlight of the conference, I am glad right off the bat, we started that way.

Of course the first day is standing poses! Geeta is amazing at Sequencing and Linking. Each posture leads the next and the practice grows from there. The invocation that Geeta chants makes my heart dance, I just love it; absolutely beautiful. Geeta says to bow our heads down to Patanjali and Guruji.

Why do some people practice and others don't? Because of a deep samskara, and now Guruji has left us with one, so we must practice.

We started sitting in Dandasana and moved up the body. My biggest mind-blowing experiences has been with putting the weight in the back leg when the knee is bent in standing poses such as Parsvakonasana and Virabhadrasana I. This will also help align the spine.

Vitality is in the armpit. How many of us have tight armpits? Um, pretty much all of us. So extending the arms overhead and behind the ears gives access to this vitality. Some people stick their ribs and navels forward and need to draw that area back. Some people need to make side space in the ribs and actually take the abdomen forward and get the sides of the ribs to expand. This leads me to think about the connection of the spine and ribs. Through practice, make the chest expand while the ribs support the spine and the spine supports the ribs.

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