Saturday, December 16, 2017

Geeta Teaches the Woman's Class! 12/12/17

I walked into the hall and saw he empty chair....we all knew Geeta was coming. The hall was very loud with excitement. Rayah came in and told us not to talk as much before class because then it takes longer before real learning can begin.

Geeta has a fire within that comes out in her teaching. She taught us about abduction/adduction related to positioning of the limbs and rotational aspects. Geeta is a master at teaching us how poses relate to one another. She emphasized the importance of doing poses in stages.

My notes do not do this class justice. Her teaching is so profound, that writing notes is very difficult because she draws you so deep into the experience that trying to recall is not the point.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Prashant begins celebrations leading up to BKS Iyengar's 100th Birthday

The red carpet was laid out bright and early at the Institute this morning to celebrate BKS Iyengar's 99th Birthday. People packed in upstairs, in the main hall, in the lobby and outside. RIMYI was savy enough to put screens and speakers in each area so all could partake. We did a few basic asanas focusing on deep exhalations. Prashant says that these need to become habit especially in modern-day society where stress is high. Do exhalations anywhere, anytime to help the mind excavate and evacuate clutter.

Tonight we celebrate with friends, music, food, yoga and dance.

Click here to listen to the entire class or you can read my notes below. My notes are not word-for-word as I often write my thoughts down as well as quotes.

Rayah's Intermediate I class 12/9/17

Rayah rocks! He had a blast teaching his Intermediate I students in the upstairs hall. He had everyone laughing even to the point of almost tears. Good to see the teachers at RIMYI having so much fun with students. He also worked them hard for sure! He divided the women and men into two parts each doing different poses, this was so that limited props were taken out, it worked quite well.

Advanced Pranayama at RIMYI with a focus on exhalations 12/8/17

This was an amazing pranayama class! Geeta had instructed Nawaaz to teach long exhalations. I did not take the class so I was able to take good notes except it was dark so my handwriting is a bit sloppy. This class was extrememly calm, kind, and inspiring. Even though I did not take the class, I was essential rocked by these words into a deep peaceful state.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Woman's Class with Abhijata! 2017

After 36 hours of traveling, I was too excited to sleep. I watched the cloudypurple sunrise and my favorite birds, then headed to practice at RIMYI. It is amazing to watch others practice, already so many learning opportunities on just Day 1.

Day 2 was the Woman's class and we were all eager to see who was teaching. Abhi!!!
I sat right up in front, Abhi was teaching with a plastic dowel like the end of a broom. So, of course, she was using it to firmly adust people. She specifically worked on my Adho Mukha Svanasana drawing lines from my outer neck to shoulder to make space there. And, wacking my outer upper arm bones to get them in (my outer forearms too). Another line was drawn at the top of my outer elbow to lift up. She also used to plasic rod to adjust a student's forearms by putting the rod under them and lifting them up.

We did some interesting work with Parivrtta Trikonasana and Parivrtta Parsvakonasana tucking the hand under the foot.

The class was definitely hard especially right out of the gates with jetlag. We were all happy and it's not very crowded which is nice.

Enjoy the sequence!