Ironically today, I bought a ticket to India for December to go to Geeta's Intensive and to take Medical classes at RIMYI. A few hours later, Guruji passed onto/into another realm. My dearest teacher Elizabeth reminded me that "It is powerful to know the beat goes on..." Yes, that is right, the true heartbeat of Iyengar Yoga will continue.
Right after dear Guruji passed, rain poured down so hard. Thunder, lightening, was as if I could hear the Iyengar family and Yoga family crying. Crying because when a person is that giving, our hearts fill up so much, then like water, our hearts drip out all of the love that is over-flowing.
Right after dear Guruji passed, rain poured down so hard. Thunder, lightening, was as if I could hear the Iyengar family and Yoga family crying. Crying because when a person is that giving, our hearts fill up so much, then like water, our hearts drip out all of the love that is over-flowing.
Today, I taught a class and we dedicated the class to Guruji. We all went around and spoke of our favorite poses and the poses we need to work on; it was very fun!
As I read the meaning of asana, and watched Guruji's face light up with smiles at the end of the video above, I was reminded of the joy that Yoga brings. I love catching students smile when they are practicing. We all have unique relationships with asanas. They can: get along with us, be a challenge, wander away, come back again, teach the unexpected, show hidden aliments, be healing, provide relaxation, give security, open the door to intuition, fly with freedom, embrace us, give us something to hold onto, and be with us no matter what.
Sutra II.46 sthira sukham asanam
Asana is perfect firmness of the body, steadiness of the intelligence and benevolence of the spirit.
"Performance of the asana should be nourishing and illuminative."
-Light on the Yoga Sutras-BKS Iyengar pg. 149
Before class while watching the video, we noticed that Guruji's chest got bigger as he became older. During class, I would mention the chest and I saw my students' chests expand dramatically. I went home and practiced Halasana. As I looked at my own chest, I felt as if it was expanding like Guruji's (not as majestically, of course ;). His imprint is in my body and his teachings of Light live on.
"You are a living example that you are living. And as you are living, you want to improve. You want to be better than you are. This is the golden vitamin that will enable you to progress."
-BKS Iyengar
Guruji never gave up with his practice. He never gave up on life. I have faith he was at peace when his time to transition came. What an inspiration! We love and thank you Guruji, you will continue to be a light within our hearts.